Patrick’s Corner

A butterfly flying in the sky with sun shining

A Mother’s Message: My Love is Forever

She Will Always Be With You

aging in place
A woman holding a flower in her hand.

On Aging: Reality Check

Acknowledging the Realities of Aging by Dr. Harry (Rick) Moody

A woman with her hands on the face

On Aging: Realism Over Aspiration

Prioritizing Realism Over Aspiration for Business Success

A man with grey hair and beard holding glasses.

Men, Retirement and the Loss of Role

Who were you when you were somebody?

A window with christmas lights and candles on it.

Aging in Place Holiday Second Chances

We All Deserve a Second Chance

A man in a baseball cap and vest stands on the ground.
A man and woman are standing on the beach

Who Fears Aging More, Women or Men?

The Experience of Aging May Depend on Your Gender

A woman sitting on the couch holding her phone up to take a picture.

Aging: Fleeting of the Self

Because Aging, in so Many Ways, is a Narcissistic Wound

Two women standing next to each other and one of them is holding a cup.

The Business of Informal Caring

We Want to Support Aging in Place, Walmart Health Senior Vice President

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