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Are You Ready To Age In Place?

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Patrick's Corner

aging in place

Aging in Place: Nature has the Answers

Obstacle Ended up Being His Superpower

aging in place

ai On “Ageless Aging”

A Term Used in Marketing

aging in place

Aging in Place ProFILE

Kris Helps People in Need

Aging In Place

A book with the title of women, joys and wish.


Aging in Place is living in the home and community of your choice as you age.

Our Mission:

I’ve designed with over 35 years of experience working with and researching older adults. My goal for you dear visitor is to pass on relevant/actionable information that Informs, Empowers, and yes even Delights. You are not alone on this Journey, I have assembled the very best advisors who will share their Ideas and Inspirations. Let’s see what we can accomplish together.

“You’re Home by Choice.”

– Patrick Roden RN Ph.D. Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS)

Click Here to Check Out My New Book


aging in place

Aging in Place with ChatGPT

How Can ai Work With Aging in Place?

age in place home

Aging in Place in the Era of ChatGPT

What will be Your Advantage?

aging in place tech

Aging in Place Technology for Youth

Aging-in-Place Tech Can Bring You Peace

Housing & Remodeling

aging in place

Defiance and Aging in Place

Thread That Runs Through the Comments is Defiance

aging in place

Aging in the Wright Place

Do You Think it’s Time for Plan B?

aging in place

Reverse Mortgage to the Rescue

Effect of Aging in Place with a Reverse Mortgage

In-Home Care

aging in place
aging in place

Assisted Loneliness

To be human is to be Interdependent

A woman sitting on top of a bed with her head in her hands.

UTIs the Enemy of Aging in Place

This Aliment is a Very Real Threat to Remaining Home “Independently”

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