Patrick’s Corner

A man in a suit and tie holding a tablet.

COVID-19 Boomer Career Skills

Your Opportunity to Employ First-Principle Thinking

A person in a wheelchair with a mask on.

Aging in Place and COVID-19

Aging in the Era of COVID-19

A man sitting on the couch talking on his phone.

Architectural Fix for Loneliness

Simple Architectural Solution to Loneliness: “A Friendly Bench”

A person sitting on top of a hill looking at the earth.

How Planet Earth Views Aging

How Planet Earth Views Aging by Astronomer Harriet Witt

A man with long white beard and wearing suspenders.

Myth of Declining Creativity

Conventional Thinking is that Creativity Declines With Age

A woman in white shorts and top dancing next to chair.

Longevity 2024

Longevity Recipe for 2020

A man sitting at the table eating something

Breaking the Hemingway Code Aging in Place

Holidays Alone Aging in Place

Aging in The Right Place

Doing Things With Them

Aging in the Right place and Doing Things With Them

Elderly female aging in place

Aging in Place / Saying Thanks

Aging in Place / Saying Thanks

A woman in white jacket and hat waving.
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