For the unlearned, old age is winter; for the learned it is the season of the harvest.
~The Talmud
RIPE: Developed to the point of readiness for harvesting.
Aging in Place
As a Boomer, I can honestly say that at this time in my life I am experiencing what it feels like to be “Ripe.”
In my love for family and friends, I’ve never been more deeply moved than I am now.
In my capacity for empathy, I have never been stronger than I am now.
In my work, I’ve never been more confident in my decision making than I am now.
In my relationships, I’ve never been involved in more meaningful connections than I am now.
In my aesthetic pursuits, I’ve never been more deeply filled with creativity than I am now.
In my writing, I’ve never been more deluged with choices of ideas than I am now.
In my decision making, I’ve never been clearer on what is right for me than I am now.
In my thinking, I’ve never been a better Idea generator than I am now.
In my moment-to-moment-mindfulness I have never been more present than I am now.
In my understanding of how fortunate I am, I have never been more aware than I am now.
In my health I have never been more caretaking than I am now.
In my life I have never been more aware that my Super-Power lies in choosing what I pay attention to, than I am now.
In my dealing with animals and nature I have never been more conscious than I am now.
In my life I have never been more confidence about entering into new adventures and doing things that matter, than I am now.
In my life I have never been more open to intuition, than I am now.
In my life I have never been more comfortable calling out (discerning) Bullshit, than I am now.
In my life I’ve never been more confident in my contribution/life’s work, than I am now.
In my life I’ve never been more appreciative of the stewardship I got from the adults in my life, than I am now.
In my life I’ve never been quicker to reward exceptional behavior, than I am now.
In my life I have never been freer to take pure joy in the things I love, than I am now.
Can YOU relate?
It feels good to be Ripe.
Robert Browning knew something…
I Am an Elder: