Aging in Place 20 Questions

A man and woman laying in bed smiling for the camera.

“All things are ready, if our mind be so.”
~ William Shakespeare, Henry V


Aging in Place

At your current age, can you imagine living in an environment where you do not control when you wake up, what time you have meals, or not be able to regulate your privacy?

If the answer is “NO” then stroll through the 10 questions below and see what kind of insights, you might gain.

10 Survey Questions: Are You Ready to Start Thinking About Aging in Place?

  1. Are you 40 years of age or better?
  2. Do you or a household member have one or more chronic health conditions such as diabetes or arthritis?
  3. Do you plan on staying in your current home and community for the foreseeable future?
  4. Are you finding it more challenging getting in/out of the shower tub or negotiating stairs?
  5. Have you developed a network of helpers (“social capital”) in your neighborhood that you would miss if you relocated?
  6. Is your home set-up for a single-floor living (bedroom, bath, and kitchen on the main)?
  7. Are there stairs or steep sloping walkways to enter your home (barriers to entry)?
  8. Can the doors accommodate a wheelchair (34″ to 42″) for you or a visitor?
  9. Do you enjoy living where multi-generational contact is possible?
  10. Have you experienced your parents struggling to live in a home that no longer works them?



10 Longevity Planning Questions from Joseph Coughlin, author of The Longevity Economy.

  1. Will my Lifespan outlast my Wealth span?
  2. How well am I managing my chronic conditions?
  3. If I can’t drive, how will I get around?
  4. Do I have friends that I can count on for conversation as well as the urgent?
  5. Will my home enable me to age well and independently?
  6. Who will change my light bulbs?
  7. Do my friends and family know what I really want?
  8. Am I still learning, or do I think I am too old for that?
  9. What am I doing to connect and contribute?
  10. What’s on my ‘just for fun’ list?
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