Activities to Avoid After 75

aging in place

It gets really tricky giving advice. The older I get, the less advice I give.

~ Anne Heche


Aging in Place

The title of this blog was a click-bait MSN article headline with the image of Joe Biden. I didn’t Take the bait, but what I did do was take the advice of Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck—I didn’t give it any oxygen. But it did move me to make my own list (NOT giving a F*ck of course).

Activities to Avoid After 75

1). Listening to people telling you what to avoid after 75 (that’s #1)

2). Ageist attitudes

3). Buying into decline tropes

4). Not calling out ageism when I see it, hear it, or experience it

5). Listening to People telling you when you should retire

6). People who ask “are you still__________” (fill in the blank)

7). Articles advising what kind of hairstyles/clothes to adopt at this age

8). To go gray or to not go gray? None of your business

9). Lengthy discussions about ailments or competitive complaining

10). Reading media sources saying “Boomers aging in place” are the cause of all the housing ills

11). Being around negative people

12). Wasting time on lost causes

13). Regrets

14). “Age-appropriate” advice

15). SunCity age-segregated communities (unless you choose)

16). “Hot” Investment deals

17). Hoarding

18). Stultifying Routines

19). Heavy Drinking

20). Golf (ok I have a bias)

The message is, online click-bait trolls are noise, static on the line, ignore and move confidently in the direction of your dreams—yes, you SHOULD still be dreaming…OK, I violated several of my tenants there, but for a greater point. And besides, I don’t give a F*ck…


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
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