Staying Home is the New Black
Take-Home Message for Lovers
The Joy of Living Can Suffer Under the Tyranny of Efficiency
Aging in Place is living in the home and community of your choice as you age.
Our Mission:
I’ve designed with over 35 years of experience working with and researching older adults. My goal for you dear visitor is to pass on relevant/actionable information that Informs, Empowers, and yes even Delights. You are not alone on this Journey, I have assembled the very best advisors who will share their Ideas and Inspirations. Let’s see what we can accomplish together.
“You’re Home by Choice.”
– Patrick Roden RN Ph.D. Certified Aging in Place Specialists (CAPS)
Click Here to Check Out My New Book
How Can ai Work With Aging in Place?
What will be Your Advantage?
Aging-in-Place Tech Can Bring You Peace
Cottage Courts Can be an Excellent Solution for Older Adults
Thread That Runs Through the Comments is Defiance
Do You Think it’s Time for Plan B?
Create a Peaceful and Comfortable Space
Life in the Mind
To be human is to be Interdependent