In Good Company

A man and woman laying in bed smiling for the camera.

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends.

This time of year I give thanks for others in my world who are making a difference doing things that matter. I’m in such good company here with these remarkable individuals–each in their own way has chosen to be part of the solution for an aging world. These are the top professionals in their chosen fields who have graciously agreed to act as advisors to

Gerontology: Harry (Rick) Moody, Ph.D
Dr. Rick Moody continues to be a force for innovative thinking on “critical gerontology” and mentor of mine. He generously advises giving freely of his time and insights. I encourage you to get his free newsletter and you too will come to know his wit and wisdom.

Aging in Place Technology: Laurie Orlov
Laurie Orlov has become the voice of aging-in-place technology and she negotiates that labyrinth with skill. She interprets this brave new world with cutting insights (no bull-shit) and is always a trusted resource who has the best interest of older adults as her top priority.

The Built Environment: Louis Tenenbaum
Louis Tenenbaum was my wingman in this exploding-world of aging in place. His was the first and most consistent voice in the country–So much so he was dubbed “Mr Aging in Place.” I love Louis and the work he does. His council is priceless and the field would be less relevant without his contribution.

Universal Design: Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D.
Rosemarie Rossetti is an example of the human spirit at its best. There has been much written about her remarkable story and how she turned tragedy into a cause so compelling it’s transformational. She and husband Mark, have tirelessly created a living resource on Universal Design that inspires people around the world.

Health eBytes/The Science of Optimal Aging: Ramiah Ramasubramanian MD, FRCA (England)
Dr. Rama is a healer, the kind of MD who makes everyone he touches better. I’m privileged to be able to work with this man who embodies the Hippocratic Oath. He employs his deep knowledge base and insatiable desire to learn in the service of others. He knows that “healing” is evoking the will to live in others and that takes on multiple forms.

Personal Finance, Career Transition, and Retirement: Kerry Hannon
Kerry Hannon does the essential work of career transition. If/when you find yourself in that wilderness of disorientation that is change in later-life you will be ecstatic to find a her lifeline of caring and sage advice. Kerry’s writings will be there when you need them–and sooner or later most of us will.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care: Teepa Snow
Teepa Snow is a communicator. She has not chosen the path-of-least resistance in her calling. The contribution she makes is the work of angels and there is no more urgent need. I give thanks for the work she does–it’s a higher calling and she has stepped up to the challenge.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
~Helen Keller
Bless all of you…


MEET PATRICK page for more on these extraordinary People making a difference in how we experience aging now and in the future.

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